Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Today I started my research, I found out some odd thing which when looked at from a science fact point of view seem a little odd. From a faith point of view which religious people use them probably seem credible because you have to believe.

The Catholic church has a thing called perpetual viginity, which is where the mother of Jesus got pregnant by god. Even though she is supposed to have had two other children she will remain a virgin for all eternity. This is however odd, as does this make the two other sons devine as they were born out of virginity.

There is also the idea that virgin birth was added to Christianity in the first century A.D. in an effort, possibly, to appease the pagans who held virgin birth in high regard. Prior to the 1st Century Virgin birth had been seen in some quarters, greece is one, as a way of hiding promiscurity.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Well I have to start this job tomorrow. I am not sure what my research will bring as I'm not religious at all. I am Agnostic you see.

Apparently Horus was born of a virgin on the 25th December. He died was dead for 3 days and then rose from the dead. What is the reasons for the similarity? Does it happen else where?

One other job aside from this is the idea that the Ark of the covenant was a copy of a similar container buried along with King tutankahmun 300 years before the jews left Egypt.

I think that I am going to enjoy this job, it is not going to pay well though but it will keep me busy while I'm laid up.

Any way I also need to provide help to my neighbour who has to provide a thesis for his theology degree. He has called it 'Old Testament, a history of misuse'.

Why have I got these jobs, I am normally in combat or helping in the effectivness of combat forces whilst maintaining limited national damage.

I also am an unofficial beer critic for all major breweries.

I also look great naked ( even with a plaster cast)
At last the pins are out of my leg. Thank Fuck (pardon my French)! also I am out of the wheel chair and on my crutches.

Also I have been given a new job.......

I am to compare the origins of Jesus with the egyptian god Horus.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Today I have felt empowered, Well as much as you can in a wheel chair. No Skirt ripping incidents today, No sitting in a wheelchair feeling very self conscious because of the slit in her skirt, a slit right up to the waist which by the end of lunch had finished just below the breasts.

Today is about sunshine and green tea, about bagels and cream cheese. I have managed a bit of self help therapy by booting out the flat mate. She was getting tedious. I do not know any 1 week lesbian 2nd week Bi-sexual, by the third week back with the irritating boyfriend Jurgen and finally back to fertvent lesbianism by the fourth. All due to 'He never made me breakfast in bed'.

She had to go she was driving me nuts. Any way she didn't like Scrubs the way I do.

I am Camilla Queen of The Flat.

It would seem that the new vicar at the local church is coming to see me tomorrow. I am not religious to a church going degree, nor am I so inclined to help those who won't be helped. Though I'd happily buy Lars the wino who lives in a box behind my office, breakfast in bed any day. the guy is lovely, he chooses to live that way and respects the fact that I choose my own path in life also.

I remember once sitting on his cardboard porch sharing my macho-frap-o-cino or what ever he had managed to buy for me out of the 50Kr note I gave to him. It was lovely, I was sat in my pin striped skirt and jacket with red cravat (lovely) and he was sat in some old combat trousers and a string vest looking every bit the 57 & 4 months that he is. He didn't need my bleeding heart, it would have made to much mess. Any way he must have enjoyed our chat as he listened and finished the biscuits.

Today I marvel at the sit up bar a friend of mine had brought around for me. It's one of those things that you attach to the bottom of a dorr and it holds your feet while you do sit ups etc. Unfortunately darling my cast does not fit under it still it will lovingly get in the way of the wheel chair as I try and get into the kitchen.

Green tea any one?