Tuesday 30 March 2010

Lars goes to hospital

Hi to you all here I am again. well it has been a busy month, busy but fun.
I have a pile of research projects underway and am hoping to kick start a normal (for me that is) life once more.

I did have some very bad news earlier today, Lars the homeless guy who lives near my building was taken to hospital today after falling off the sidewalk and hitting his head. I was going to share a cake I had baked with him something I try to do every day when I am home. After we had sat for about five minutes he said he had something to show me and went across the street.
He didn't come back which can be normal, as he has slight paranoia.

Two hours later my neighbour called me saying Lars had fallen and had gone to hospital, he apparently fell after tripping over a childs bike ledt on the sidewalk outside the shop he had gone to. poor Lars I will visit him later.

Monday 1 March 2010

new jobs

today I am looking forward to my new job I am to teach casualty protection. that is protecting people in violent situations. from this I hope to get back on top of life and maybe start my ownb company. My research job has become a bore which is why I took this new job in AFG. I have dusted off my kit and am now waiting to go.. I must say I look great in it. It's because I am tall and slim.

I will miss home baking but it wil be great.